Register Me

By checking on the checkbox, I fully understand that Aikido is similar to all martial arts and Aikido participants are required to be of general fitness level at all times therefore please deter from training if you are not feeling well and we strongly advice you to seek medical advice for any prevailing medical conditions and past injuries prior to training.
By checking on the checkbox, I fully understand that I will be training at my own risk and hereby will not hold Shoshin Aikikai (Singapore) Pte Ltd, its instructors and assistants liable for any bodily injuries and accidents occurs whilst in training or taking part in demonstration in the art of Aikido whatsoever conducted at the current premises or at any other premises.

I shall indemnify Shoshin Aikikai (Singapore) Pte Ltd, its instructors and assistants against all proceedings and liabilities whatsoever which may be taken or made against by reason of any claim or action of whatever nature which may be brought by me or on my behalf in respect of the foregoing.